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Does Smoking Increase the Risk for Asbestos-Related Disease?

Legally Reviewed by Joseph P. Williams on July 28, 2014

Researchers have found that a combination of cigarette smoking and asbestos exposure can increase the risk for lung cancer significantly. Smoking carries increases the likelihood of getting lung cancer by a factor of ten. Asbestos increases the likelihood by a factor of five. When doctors and scientists review the potential risk factors that a patient has for lung cancer, they multiply the risk factors when there are multiple cancer causing risks that a patient had during their life time. For a smoker that was exposed to asbestos, their risk factor is 10 X 5 or 50. That means that a smoker who was exposed to asbestos has a fifty times greater chance of getting lung cancer than the regular population.

Because of this extraordinarily high risk of developing lung cancer, smokers who have worked around products with asbestos need to visit their doctors more frequently to help ensure early detection and prompt treatment of this deadly disease.

Can I Still File a Claim?

If you have worked with or around asbestos while a smoker, you may face an uphill battle when seeking compensation for your disease. However, when you have an experienced and dedicated attorney on your side it is still possible to get the compensation your illness demands.

New York asbestos lung cancer attorney Joseph Williams welcomes an opportunity to meet with you free of charge to discuss your case. During this meeting he will evaluate your claim and help you understand your options, as well as help you determine the best way to get the full compensation you are due.

To schedule your free consultation with our New York City asbestos exposure attorney, please contact the Williams Law Firm, P.C. today.

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