(855) 575-6376
Representing Asbestos Exposure Victims in
NY, NJ, and Nationwide
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Filing A Mesothelioma Claim

Mesothelioma is an aggressive form of cancer that has no cure. Generally known to be caused by long-term asbestos exposure, mesothelioma can lead to major expenses for victims and their families. At the Williams Law Firm, we have decades of experience in recovering compensation for mesothelioma victims and their families. By working with an attorney, you can gather the evidence necessary to prove asbestos exposure and the expenses you have incurred.

Filing A Mesothelioma Claim Through A Bankruptcy Trust

At the Williams Law Firm, a skilled New York mesothelioma attorney will be able to help you properly fill out the necessary forms and obtain all of the required documentation to prove your mesothelioma case.

This documentation will include:

  • Medical records indicating your mesothelioma diagnosis and all treatment as a result
  • Employment records documenting your work history
  • Proof of mesothelioma exposure (through documents and witness statements)

It is absolutely vital that the forms supplied by the bankruptcy trust are fully completed and accurate, or you risk a claim being rejected or returned.
These cases require the approval of a bankruptcy trust administrator, not a judge. The administrator will review the forms and supporting documentation submitted and determine the amount of compensation owed to a mesothelioma victim. Asbestos bankruptcy trusts typically prioritize claims to those who are the most seriously ill. Your mesothelioma attorney will help ensure that the trust administrator properly prioritizes your claim and work to resolve any disputes that may arise over the amount of compensation paid out.

What About A Lawsuit?

There will be times when a bankruptcy trust is not the route to take for mesothelioma compensation. A mesothelioma victim can file a claim against:

  • The manufacturer of the asbestos
  • The installer of the asbestos

Employers Who Used Asbestos

Many jurisdictions allow courts to handle mesothelioma cases in an expedited legal process due to the aggressive and fatal nature of the illness. In many cases, these cases are “clustered” with other mesothelioma cases on the motion of your lawyer to sped up the process. At the Williams Law Firm, attorney Joseph P. Williams has handled many consolidated cases with as many as ten mesothelioma victims at a time.

Can Family Members File A Mesothelioma Claim?

Surviving family members of a mesothelioma victim may be entitled to wrongful death compensation. The law acknowledges the family’s loss as an injury, though these cases usually have strict time limits that vary from state to state. A mesothelioma attorney will work with family members to gather the necessary documentation and help file a wrongful death claim against the liable parties.

What Kind Of Compensation Is Available for Mesothelioma Victims?

There are various types of compensation available in these cases. Victims with mesothelioma are generally entitled to recover coverage for their medical expenses as well as lost wages and benefits. They may also be able to receive compensation for their pain and suffering damages.

Family members who file a wrongful death claim can generally recover pre-death medical costs, lost wages of the decedent, funeral and burial expenses, emotional damages, and loss of consortium damages.

The skilled mesothelioma attorneys at the Williams Law Firm have the experience necessary to walk you through every step of this process. You deserve compensation for what has happened. You can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or by calling (855) 575-6376.