(855) 575-6376
Representing families in NY & NJ
affected by asbestos.
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Mesothelioma Lawsuits: Steps and Other Information

Mesothelioma is a life-changing diagnosis. This rare and aggressive form of cancer is caused by long-term exposure to asbestos. Victims and their families may be entitled to significant compensation for what has happened to them. At The Williams Law Firm, P.C., we are going to bring more than two decades of experience with these cases to your side. Our skilled mesothelioma attorneys have recovered millions of dollars in compensation for mesothelioma victims, and we are ready to do the same for you.

Why Do People File Mesothelioma Cases?

Mesothelioma has a long latency period, meaning it can take decades for symptoms to appear. Victims are often not diagnosed until the late stages of the illness. Mesothelioma victims usually suffer from debilitating treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.

They may seek compensation for:

  • Medical treatment
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost income and benefits
  • Loss of love and sexual relations with a spouse (loss of consortium)

Family members may seek wrongful death benefits, including the cost of pre-death medical care, funeral and burial expenses, emotional damages, and more.

The Steps To Filing A Mesothelioma Lawsuit

Every case is different, though almost all of them will have the following steps. A skilled New York mesothelioma lawyer will handle each of these steps and keep you updated throughout the process.

They are:

  • Preparation. Your attorney will gather information about your asbestos exposure and mesothelioma diagnosis. They will decide where your case should be filed.
    They will also determine whether your case is appropriate for a bankruptcy trust claim.
  • Filing. Your attorney will file a written complaint with the court to start your case.
  • Responses. The defendants named in the lawsuit will receive a copy of the complaint and have a chance to respond.
  • Discovery. Attorneys from both sides will gather information from one another through depositions, written questions, and documents.
  • Settlement. The defendant may wish to offer a settlement before the case goes to trial. This could depend on the strength of the evidence your attorney gathered.
  • Trial. Both parties will present their case in court if a settlement is not reached. This process varies depending on where you file a claim.
    Appeal. If you win in a trial, the defendant may file an appeal challenging the ruling.

Steps To Filing A Bankruptcy Trust Claim

When your attorney decides to pursue compensation through an established mesothelioma bankruptcy trust, the process is a bit different. Here, you will be working with a bankruptcy trust administrator, not a judge or jury. Your attorney will obtain all evidence necessary to prove your case and accurately fill out the forms supplied by the bankruptcy trust. The bankruptcy trust administrator will review the forms and documentation submitted and determine the amount owed to the mesothelioma victim. Your attorney will work with the trust administrator to resolve any disputes on the amount offered.

How Much Does A Mesothelioma Lawsuit Cost?

At The Williams Law Firm, P.C., we recognize the importance of every mesothelioma victims receiving competent and experienced legal assistance. We also know that most individuals do not have the resources to take on the parties responsible for their asbestos exposure. That is why we take all mesothelioma cases on a contingency fee basis. That means you will face no out-of-pocket costs and pay no legal fees until we recover the compensation you deserve. Fill out our online form a free consultation.